I found this novel to be very eye opening not only to the differences in how people acted, but in the many ways our world as we know it has changed drastically since then.
This picture was taken from a website that references the novel we read, A Land Remembered. Its funny to reflect back to the time when riding a train was the only mode of transportation aside from a horse or car (If you were fortunate enough to have one). Now we have so many options! We have planes, cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, buses, subways- the list goes on and on!
Another interesting find about the time period was homes people lived in. These homes were so rustic and basic in design and style.
When I look at the pictures of these houses and then compare it to mine own house it's amazing what we as a society have allowed ourselves to become comfortable living with. Homes now are very elaborate compared to how they were when this novel was based.
The relationship between couples has also changed drastically over the years. From the clothing they wore to the physical affection that was shared. Its also neat to look back at how famlies have changed in their apprearances too.
The family in this picture displays the values and morals that are no longer present in all families. The range of ages shows how families would stay together for longer periods of time, where as now once children turn 18 they ususally move out to start their own lives.
Family units and relationships have changed drastically as well. Women play a larger role in earning money and providing for a family now than they did before.
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